Simon Benn Children's Coach sponsors Young Achiever of the Year
What's more important than the happiness of your children?
And yet 1.5 million children were bullied last year, 70% of young people will be bullied before they're 18 and the UK's children are at the bottom of Unicef's league table for happiness.
On the day your child is born, you fall in love and from that moment on you're determined to keep your beautiful baby safe and happy.
But what happens when they have to go out into the big, bad world? When you can’t keep them safe any more? When you start seeing danger lurking everywhere?
Do you worry about your child’s happiness?
Are you concerned about bullying?
Does your child suffer from anxiety?
Does your child worry about tests?
Do they have low confidence?
It’s tough being a child (or a parent)!
Families have a lot to deal with these days - from bullying, cyber-bullying, social media overload, exams and peer pressure.
No-one taught us how to manage our emotions in a simple and straight-forward way so we can cope with today’s challenges.
We can't teach our children what we don't know ourselves so we often feel out of control.
And our children don't learn this stuff at school otherwise there wouldn't be so much upset amongst teenagers.
So how can you be sure my approach will work for you?
Remembering the very first child's feedback still gives me goosebumps 3 years later...
10 year old Alex told me how she’d been bullied by other girls in her dance class. She had been too frightened to tell her dance teacher, mum or dad and just stopped going to lessons. What she had learned in the workshop had given her the confidence, resilience and self-belief to go back to classes and the hobby she really loves.
Since then, child after child has told me that they’ve learned how to ignore bullying. And that they can now simply shrug off nasty comments from other children. Here’s some of what the children said after the activity sessions.
Bullies made my life a misery when I was young, so the children’s feedback always leaves me elated and inspired.
Here's some more feedback from children:
“I can now ignore bullies who say or text bad things to me.” Rhianna (9)
“I can always be happy and believe in myself and no one can get me down.” Travis (10)
“I can ignore people who are saying horrible things, make my own decisions, have a happy life and make other people happy.” Sophie (10)
“I can block bullies from hurting me.” Billy (10)
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