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Yorkshire Choice Awards Renames Outstanding Courage Award to Honour Rob Burrow

The Yorkshire Choice Awards are proud to announce that their prestigious Outstanding Courage Award will be renamed The Rob Burrow Outstanding Courage Award. This newly named award will continue to recognise the extraordinary courage of Yorkshire’s bravest individuals, showcasing those who have displayed exceptional bravery in the face of adversity, inspiring us all with their remarkable resilience. The award will be officially renamed ahead of next year’s 2025 awards.

Yorkshire Choice Awards Renames Outstanding Courage Award to Honour Rob Burrow

Rob Burrow, a rugby league legend and former Leeds Rhinos player, was diagnosed with motor neurone disease (MND) in December 2019 and sadly passed away on Sunday 2nd June. Since his diagnosis, Rob showed immense courage by opening his life to the world, sharing his journey through suffering and raising awareness for MND—a cause many were previously unaware of. His bravery not only brought MND to widespread attention but also elicited an outpouring of love and support from the community and beyond.

The Yorkshire Choice Awards, which took place last Friday 7th June, honoured many local heroes, businesses, inspirational figures, and brave individuals. The event began with a heartfelt tribute to the late Rob Burrow CBE, a beloved and courageous figure who will be deeply missed by all. The evening commenced with video to remember Rob and a minute's applause, a touching gesture that left not a dry eye in the house.

Yorkshire Choice Awards Renames Outstanding Courage Award to Honour Rob Burrow

In a moment of immense strength and grace, Lindsey Burrow, Rob's widow, honoured the attendees by presenting the Inspirational Individual of the Year Award. Her presence on stage received the second standing ovation of the night.

Jo Maltby, co-founder of the Yorkshire Choice Awards, reflects on Rob's impact: “Rob Burrow's journey has touched countless lives, highlighting the strength and resilience required to face such a devastating diagnosis. Naming this award in his honour is a fitting tribute to his enduring spirit and the awareness he brought to MND.”

Melanie Malcolm, co-founder of the Yorkshire Choice Awards, shares her sentiments: “We have grown close to the Burrow family and it has been an honour, they have been an integral part of the awards for several years and supporting them through this journey has been a privilege. Renaming the award is a small way to honour Rob's incredible courage and to ensure his legacy continues to inspire others”

The Yorkshire Choice Awards was an unforgettable evening, as we came together to celebrate the heroes among us and honoured the legacy of a true Yorkshire legend.

For more information about the Yorkshire Choice Awards, please visit

Franks Accountants, Headline Sponsor of The Yorkshire Choice Awards 2024

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